1. Are there any restrictions for import of plants and plant products into Bhutan?

Plants and plant products of any species including plant germplasms are restricted from entry into Bhutan by its laws. This ensures that the biosecurity risk to Bhutan’s agricultural industries and unique environment is minimized.

Prior permission must be obtained from BAFRA to import any plant or their products including plant germplasms.

While at the entry point, the importer must declare these imported plants or their products to BAFRA officials on duty along with relevant documents who would check and determine whether they can be allowed into Bhutan.

Some products may require treatment to make them safe. Other items may be restricted due to pest and disease risks.


  1. Why can’t I bring or send plants and their products into Bhutan that are already available in Bhutan without having to acquire prior permission from BAFRA?

The plants and their products that you find in Bhutan are being subjected to regular surveillance for pest and disease outbreaks. Similar items that are purchased overseas could carry biosecurity pest or disease risks and hence, cannot be imported without prior permission from BAFRA.


  1. What does BAFRA do to ensure that the plants and their products that they authorize for import does not pose any biosecurity risks?

Upon receipt of the request to import the plant and their products into the country, BAFRA conducts import risk assessment. If the biosecurity risk is minimal, import is authorized but with certain conditions viz. the need for the phytosanitary certificate issued by the competent authority of the exporting country. If the biosecurity risk is high, requests for import of plants and their products is denied.

  1. Can I take plants and their products or other items from Bhutan through an airport to another country?

Export of endangered or protected species of plant and their products from Bhutan is restricted. Otherwise, each country has specific requirements as to items that are allowed to be imported. For further information you should contact the relevant country’s quarantine office.

  1. Any banned species for import in our country?

Raising and import of following species has been totally banned in the country as per Plant quarantine rule 2003 and executive order No. SEC/MoAF/DoFPs/Ptn/1-1/2017-2018/261 dated 26th March,2018

    1. Eucalyptus species
    2. Populus Spp
    3. Thujia spp
    4. Cuppressus Marcocarpa
    5. Crytomeria japonica


  1. What are the totally protected species for export?

The list of totally protected species for export are;

S No

Local Name

Common name

Scientific name



Eagle wood/ Indian aloe wood

Aquilaria malaccensis



Chinese Caterpillar

Cordyceps sinensis


Pang –gen metog


 Gentiana crassuloides


Snow down lily


Lloydia yunnanensis


Tsher -ngeon

Blue poppy

Meconopsis grandis



Kirang -shing

Taxus baccata




Panx Pseudo ginseng

The above list is totally protected species as per the forest and nature conservation Act 1995.


  1. Are fees charged for issuing import permits and Phyto-sanitory certificates?

Fees for issuing import permit and certificates are


Name of Permit/Certificate

Fees (Nu)


Import permit (commercial purposes)



Import permit (personal purposes)



Import permit for agrochemicals (commercials purposes)



Phytosanitary certificate (commercial)



Phytosanitary certificate (Personal)



In country movement permit (commercial and personal)





Plant and animal quarantine Services

The primary mandates of Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority (BAFRA) is to implement effective biosecurity measures to protect the agriculture farming system including animal health, and public health from risks of entry, establishment and spread of exotic and or notifiable pests and diseases. Thus, a major role is placed…more

Import permit and clearance

Import of animals/plants and their products are allowed into the country with prior approval and obtaining Import Permit from BAFRA. At arrival at the point of entry, the consignment intended for import must be accompanied with a Phytosanitary Certificate for plant consignment and Zoo-sanitary Certificate for animal consignment…more

In-country movement permits

Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority implements measures to reduce the transmission of animal or plant, pest and diseases from one dzongkhag to another. Hence In-Country Movement Permits are issued


Export certification

BAFRA facilitates the export of plant and plant products by issuing the certificates as per the requirements of the importing country following the procedure below…more

Food Handlers’ Licensing

BAFRA issues food handlers license after a health interview, training on food safety, and signing an undertaking that the food handler and all those under their supervision avoid themselves from handling food under certain conditions of illness as listed below…more

Registration & Licensing Services

A person who intends to operate a food business requires a food safety license from BAFRA. BAFRA issues food safety licence to a food business that complies with BAFRA GHP/GMP Criteria  for Licensing of food business. To obtain a food safety licence…more

Food Testing Services

To provide food testing services to the regulators, food businesses and the general public, National Food Testing Laboratory was established, and it has following testing facilities..more

Certification Services

BAFRA provides product certification services to support the farmers, industries and commerce in Bhutan for market access and trade facilitation. BAFRA implements product certification in conformity with ISO IEC 17065:2012 to provide a third party mark of certification. Our certification services will enable you…more

Biosafety (GMO) Services

The Biosafety requirements are implemented as per the Biosafety Act of Bhutan 2015, and Biosafety Rules and Regulations 2018. The objectives of this Act is to protect, conserve and safeguard the biodiversity of Bhutan and also to promote the nation’s food and nutrition security and safeguard the animals and human health from unintended effect of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO).  Read More…




Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Post Box: 1071, 

Thimphu, Bhutan, Tel: +975-02-327031/325790 Fax: +975-02-327032/335540