ISO/IEC: 17025:2017 Accreditation

NFTL Accreditation for ISO/IEC: 17025:2017

The NFTL is being accredited for ISO/IEC: 17025 (General Requirements and Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories) since November 2012. The scope accreditation includes both chemical and microbiological quality and safety parameters covering various food and agricultural product categories including drinking water.

What is ISO/IEC: 17025:2017 Accreditation?

The ISO/IEC 17025:2017 is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC) for testing and calibration laboratories. Therefore, the laboratories accredited to this International standard have demonstrated its’ technical competence and precision to produce reliable test and calibration data. The periodic evaluation is being carried out for its’ compliance in implementation of ISO/IEC: 17025:2017 requirements.

Benefits of ISO/IEC: 17025:2017 Accreditation?

The ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation gives recognition to the laboratories for its technical competence for testing the product samples. Therefore, laboratory test reports issued by the accredited laboratories are internationally recognized for its competence, gaining customer confidence and ensuring product quality & safety, besides increasing market access.